Tuesday, August 28, 2012

And so it begins

I'm still getting used to the formatting on my blog; I just wrote an entry and accidentally deleted it when I was done. Oops. I'm trying out a different format.

I've only been in Amsterdam for about two days and I've already had some crazy adventures. Amsterdam is a very chill and relaxed place. Trams are efficient, bikes are abundant, and the culture is very accepting. There's not as much ethnic diversity, but I'm planning on looking into it a bit more. Just because I don't see it right away doesn't mean it isn't here. There are Coffeeshops (yes, those coffeeshops--not to be confused with cafés) on just about every street, and even if you don't seem them, you can smell them. Although I hear a rumor that there's a new law going into effect starting January 1, 2013 that only locals are going to be able to use the coffeeshops. It's already such that locals don't use them much anyway, and I wonder if that'll change. It might also be a slow shift in liberal politics here in Amsterdam. (Note: the locals here pronounce it Ahhm-ster-daaaahm instead of Am-ster-damn.)

In other adventures today I got a cell phone, managed to find my way on a map, and got some blisters on my feet. Yeah, there are some things to figure out still. Nevertheless, here are some recently eaten meals:

My last breakfast at home complete with strawberries, a parmesan bagel w/ rhubarb ginger jam, and scrambled eggs w/chives.

Dinner on the plane: pasta marinara, a roll, a salad w/Italian dressing, a blonde brownie, and ginger ale.

Breakfast on the plane: a bottomless (there's literally no bottom, just the top part) muffin, and orange juice.

Dinner at StayOkay Hostel: we had part of orientation at a hostel and dinner included a salad, some kind of meat pasta salad, potatoes, bread, and a raspberry mouse of some sort for dinner.

Lunch @ Student Café: a beef croquet, Japanese curry soup, potato/pasta salad, and some wonderful, fresh peach ice tea.

Dinner @ Thai Restaurant: vegetable soup w/ noodles & mango juice.
I haven't had anything spectacular yet, but I'm sure I will. I've got some friends to visit and some good recommendations foodwise. I can also call places now that I have a local cell number. It's the little things...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Final Countdown.

It's time for a new post, because now there's less than a week before I leave for Amsterdam. You could say I'm excited... A lot has been happening as I've been preparing for such a big journey and I've got a few words to share:

Books: One thing I've been doing a lot of this summer has been reading. I don't do enough pleasure/non-school related reading and it really is a shame. What better place to start than with some books taking place in Amsterdam? John Green's most recent novel, The Fault In Our Stars, was excellent (albeit a bit emotional), and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that *spoiler* part of the book takes place in Amsterdam. I was told it was great, and I have to say, the setting made it even better. It's sweet. Of course, I would be remiss not to read The Diary of Anne Frank before my trip. I realized that I've never actually read it before if I'm ever going to read it, now's the time. I'm finding Anne's voice witty, profound, and humorous. Much more so than what I was expecting. I'm looking forward to visiting her house. (These are of course in addition to reading my guide-book.)

Food: My mother's convinced that I won't be able to cook in my apartment; I'm convinced that she underestimates the power of the survival instinct. In all seriousness, I'm hoping to buy some local ingredients at the markets and force myself to cook. Luckily my roommate says she likes cooking so between the two of us, we should be able to work something out. Hopefully.

Other Thoughts: I think it's clear by now that I'm excited to embark on (quite literally) an adventure of a lifetime. I've been to Europe before, but I've never had the chance to explore a city all on my own--let alone live in it for four months. I'm nervous to make new friends--not exactly my strong suit--and in that regard it'll kind of be like starting college all over again. First impressions. Thinking before speaking. Common sense. The little things. I'm trying not to get too anxious.

I'm not exactly sure where I'll end up by the end of December when the program ends, but I think that's part of the adventure. If I knew, why would I go in the first place? I'm ready for change and the time for change is now.